Thursday, June 5, 2008

I am poor. How about you?

omg omg omg.

final is next week but I'm still so lacked of motivation. People says: study hard, study smart. But I'm neither hardworking nor smart.

Anyway, lets start a topic that people are complaining recently.

Malaysian petrol price has jumped up for 40% as controls are removed under a revamped subsidy system. Petrol is now RM2.70 from RM1.92 and Diesel is RM2.50 from RM1.50. Be aware, this is only the beginning. When the controls are completely removed on August, we are in big big trouble with a higher price of RM3-4.

What is with the PETROL PRICE NOT GOING UP THIS YEAR? We have (had) the cheapest price among other Asian countries, this is what the government keeps telling us. Inflation is up to 3% on April, and CPI (Consumer Price Index) will be up to 5% this year. Since the petrol price is going up, it's so obvious that almost every necessity in our daily life will be more expensive as well. You can't even manage to control a cup of Milo Ais in the country to the same price, how are you going to stop the business people to rise up their prices when burdens come? Don't compare with the other countries, we have different system at here. And yeah, we have different government as well. Crocodile hunter please come over Malaysia we have a lot of crocodiles in the Par-you-know-what-ment.

The burden we Malaysians are having will be heavier, yet the income are still the same. I have started to have sympathy to those who have lower income, how are they going to survive? Maybe we should be buying Perodua instead of imported cars, with lesser consumed fuel and cheaper tax. Perodua will be definitely having a higher sales. Oh yah, having a dozen of children will not be a wise decision. You know, some people like to have a lot of kids and ended up crying for insufficient money. And maybe we should stop our streamyx and astro, saving up a lot. Less shopping, less eating good food, less spending..

I think we will be better to live in cage and plant vegetables ourselves. I would like to see how barter trade is being popular in these days.

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